Service Overview

Harmon Electrical specializes in 24 Hour monitoring of systems.

A fire alarm connection that is established between the client site and the fire or police dispatch center must be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The monitoring that is performed on this connection is essential because an alarm that sounds within your facility will not automatically notify authorities in the event of a fire or breach of security without this connection.

As a licensed contractor, Harmon Electrical Systems can provide the monitoring solution that is right for you.

Code Requirements

Code requirements for monitoring vary by municipality and are met by using one of several different methods. Among these methods include the use of traditional telephone lines, or the use of a newer technology which employs two-way wireless radios. In both methods, signals are sent from the client location to the local municipal dispatch center or to a UL listed Central Station.

Piece of Mind

Be assured that by placing your trust in Harmon Electrical Systems for your 24-Hour Monitoring needs you will enjoy the peace of mind knowing your alarm system is ready in case of emergency.